We offer the most up-to-date, best-evidence-based chiropractic treatments to Waynesville, Canton, Maggie Valley, Lake Junaluska and Asheville.

At our office, insurance is not accepted or needed. For more information, click here.


What should I look for in a chiropractor?

There are lots of good chiropractors out there but, just like any profession, every one is a little different. It is important that you find a chiropractic office that is right for you and your family. What each person is looking for is different but if we were shopping for a chiropractor, this is what we would want:

  • Doctors that are sincere, honest, kind, passionate, knowledgeable, skilled and who act with integrity and professionalism.

  • Doctors who really listen, take the time to find the root of the problem by doing a proper exam, and who can offer the highest quality care and cutting-edge therapies to get people better, faster.

  • An office that is easy to get to, with convenient office hours, low wait times and friendly, easy-to-reach staff.

  • Chiropractors that understand that life happens and are more interested in helping empower people to make meaningful changes in their health than in making money.


At Family Circle Chiropractic, we strive to be the chiropractors we would want to go to.


We pride ourselves on quick treatment results, quality of care, and convenience. We look forward to helping you take better control of your health. 



Monday – Thursday: 7AM – 6PM, Friday 7AM – 2:30PM
Saturday and Sunday: Closed


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Ready to feel better? Contact us with questions or to schedule your appointment today!

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